Atlas Concepts LLC | Medicaid | Counseling


Serving Medicaid Clients

In May of 2018, Brown Clinical Services of Rock Hill, SC established a contract with Atlas Concepts, LLC which increased access to Mental Health Services for individuals insured through Medicaid.

Visit to schedule an appointment.

Atlas Concepts LLC | Crisis Intervention | Trauma Counseling


Promoting Domestic Peace

Safe Passage, Inc. provides supportive services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse in York, Chester, Lancaster and Union Counties.  Jordache's experience as a clinical volunteer facilitated individual and group services for survivors of trauma.

Visit for more information.

Atlas Concepts LLC | Social Service | Homelessness Rock Hill SC

Social Service

Serving the Under-served

Prior to it's closure, Renew Our Community, Inc. was a Rock Hill-based non-profit organization which focused on caring for the overall health of the community by assisting some of our most vulnerable citizens.  In the last two years of operation, Jordache provided support to organizational staff.

The under-served of Rock Hill, SC continue to find support via Pathways Community Center.


Contributing to the Field

 The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics suggests research should "contribute to the knowledge base of the profession and promote a clearer understanding of the conditions that lead to a healthy and more just society."  Jordache has compiled two research-based publications to that purpose.

Find his work here.