Blog Contributor Guidelines

Share your insights on Our editorial team is always delighted to consider guest posts. Likewise, we look forward to establishing working relationships with beginning as well as seasoned bloggers.

More specifically, we are looking for…

  • A word count between 400 and 800 words
    • This is relative. The intent of is to present both evidence-based and experience-based information valuable to the industry of Human Services. With that said, we encourage contributors to recognize and display their own brand. We work with contributors to integrate their approach to blogging with the intent of the platform. For example, a blog entitled, 5 Steps to Becoming a Better You, may be presented in a list format but each bullet should be substantiated with research or practical application.
  • Bloggers who can commit to at least one blog submission a month and have a targeted audience in mind within the industry of Human Services.
    • Among others, we are particularly interested in the following topics: Leadership, negotiations and conflict, communication, work-life balance, inspiring teams, entrepreneurship, current events, case studies, specific models of therapy, innovations in counseling/supervision, and juvenile justice.
  • A balanced viewpoint that does not endorse a specific company, service, religion or political view and avoids moral imperatives.
    • For example, biblical references are permissible; however, telling readers that Christianity is the only path to salvation is not in keeping with our intent concerning this blog. Another example would be discussing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). While it is great to relay the utility of the CBT model, it is not okay to create an ad for the Beck Institute. The exception to this point is authors may use the platform to advertise their own original works as long as those works are within the sphere of Human Services and compliment the author’s blog content.
  • We prefer posts that include refereed sources and are constructed in APA format.

We strive to complete the initial review process within 48-72 hours of receiving a submission. If needed, feedback will be provided for revisions. Please understand we cannot guarantee publication until the review board reviews and accepts a final draft.

For further questions, please contact

To submit your work click here.